Private (personalised) number plates
Take a private number off a vehicle
You can apply to take a private (personalised) number off a vehicle if you want to either:
- keep the number to use later
- assign it to another vehicle
You cannot keep a number starting with ‘Q’ or ‘NIQ’.
The vehicle’s original registration number is usually reassigned to it automatically when you take off a private number.
If your application is successful you’ll be sent a V778 retention document and a new log book (V5C).
You must have your V778 and new log book before you scrap or sell your vehicle - otherwise you’ll lose the right to use the private number.
The vehicle must:
- be registered with DVLA in the UK
- be able to move under its own power
- be of a type that needs an MOT or heavy goods vehicle (HGV) test certificate
- be available for inspection - DVLA will contact you if they need to inspect your vehicle
- have been taxed or had a SORN in place continuously for the past 5 years
- be taxed currently or have a SORN in place - if it’s had a SORN in place for more than 5 years, it must be taxed and have an MOT certificate
If you have a historic (classic) vehicle you’ll also need a current MOT certificate, even if your vehicle is usually exempt from MOTs.
Apply to take off a number
You can apply online or by post. It costs £80. You must have the vehicle’s log book (V5C).
If the vehicle’s not in your name, you have to apply by post.
Apply online
The number will be removed immediately if your vehicle does not need an inspection.
You can assign the number to another vehicle as soon as you’ve applied to take it off - use the reference number you get after you apply.
This service is open from 7am to 7pm. It’s also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).
Apply by post
Send all of the following to DVLA:
- a V317 ‘transfer or retain a vehicle registration number’ form - the address is on the form
- the vehicle’s log book (V5C) or green ‘new keeper’ slip with a completed V62 ‘application for a vehicle registration certificate V5C’
- the £80 transfer fee
To tax your vehicle at the same time, send all of the following:
- a V10 ‘application for vehicle tax’ form
- the right amount of vehicle tax
- an MOT certificate
After you apply
Your original number plate will usually be reassigned to your vehicle automatically, if your application is successful. This will happen straight away.
You’ll be sent:
- a new log book (V5C) showing the vehicle’s replacement registration number - it can take 4 to 6 weeks to arrive
- your original MOT back (if you sent it to tax the vehicle)
- a V778 retention document if the private number is in your name
If the private number is in someone else’s name, the V778 document will be sent to them.
Before you can drive your vehicle, you must:
- put the original or new number plates on the vehicle before you drive it
- tell your insurance company your new registration number
Who to tell about your new registration number
You must tell your insurance company.
Update your registration number for any automatic payment accounts you have, for example to pay:
- the Congestion Charge
- the Low Emission Zone Charge
- the Ultra Low Emission Zone Charge
- the Dart Charge
- charges for driving in Clean Air Zones
You may get a penalty charge if you do not update your registration details and enter one of these zones.
If your vehicle has Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation scheme certification, you also need to tell them your new registration number.
What happens to the private number
Your V778 retention document proves that you still have the right to assign the private number for the next 10 years.
You must renew your right to use a private number before the V778 expires.
You can give up your right to use the private number if you decide not to assign it.