Fundamentals of good estate management
An overview of the important policies, processes and documents schools should have.
Your estate should support your educational goals.
To manage your estate strategically, you should have documents outlining your:
- estate vision
- estate strategy
- asset management plan
- strategic review process
You should have shared and agreed these documents with your board. The documents should be reviewed periodically.
Estate vision
Your estate vision should set out your plans for your school buildings and estate for the next 5 to 10 years.
It should:
- describe how the estate will support the educational vision and strategy of your organisation
- cover the next 5 to 10 years
- be prepared in consultation with relevant stakeholders (particularly any landowning parties)
- be signed off by your board
Estate strategy
Your estate strategy provides the detail on how you will achieve your estate vision.
It should:
- explain how you will carry out the estate vision
- cover the next 3 to 5 years
- identify projected funding for estate development
- outline anticipated outcomes and improvements to deliver the education strategy
- be signed off by your board
- be reviewed alongside the estate vision
Asset management plan
Your asset management plan is the working document that informs operational day to day activities on the estate.
It should:
- set out the actions needed to achieve the estate strategy
- cover up to the next 2 years
- include data and information about the estate
- detail the work necessary to maintain the estate
- be signed off by your board
- be aligned to the estate vision and strategy
Strategic review
A strategic review is a structured process which can help you understand:
- whether the estate is meeting your needs
- how well the estate is performing
- your options for the future
A strategic review helps you develop and review your asset management plan.
Find out more about strategic estate management.
To help manage your estate, you should have agreed and documented processes and procedures covering the whole of your estate.
You should have clear governance processes to support the estate. They should:
- explain accountability for the estate at a board level, and give who is responsible at school level
- enable strategic decision-making about the estate
- include arrangements and processes that ensure statutory and necessary estate activities are carried out
Review the top 10 estate checks for boards about estate management.
Budget and finance
As part of your estate strategy, you should have a 3 to 5 year budget plan for the estate, signed off by your board.
The budget plan should include:
- a prioritised maintenance plan
- how you will achieve value for money through investment
- actual and potential funding sources
Buying goods, works and services
You should have defined and transparent purchasing and procurement procedures that include:
- how to engage professional advisers to design, price, manage and deliver property-related projects
- purchasing arrangements for capital and revenue expenditure
- how to achieve value for money through procurement
Emergency planning
Your emergency planning should include procedures for responding to emergencies that affect the use of the school’s buildings and grounds. These procedures should be linked to a risk assessment of possible estate emergency scenarios.
Find out more about planning and organising your estate resources.
To help you manage the estate effectively, you should have policies and procedures in place to collect information about the condition of the estate and its land, buildings and property.
Information management for your estate
You should hold data and information to support your estate management documents. This could include:
- a record of ownership
- status (such as condition)
- operating information about each asset (land and buildings)
Information should be stored securely, but be accessible when required.
Performance management and benchmarking
You should have an agreed approach to manage the performance of assets across the estate. This means you can monitor your estate’s performance and use this information to benchmark and improve.
Condition surveys
Understanding the condition of the estate helps you make informed decisions about its maintenance and helps with budgeting and estate planning.
You should have an understanding of:
- the condition of all buildings in the estate
- the cost and priority of any works needed
This is usually done by carrying out condition surveys.
Suitability and sufficiency
Knowing your estate’s suitability and sufficiency helps you make strategic decisions. You should understand how the estate meets your current and future educational requirements.
Legal issues and land ownership
A thorough understanding of land ownership, rights and obligations will help you manage the estate. This includes:
- who has a legal or controlling interest in your land and buildings
- any implications for the use and development of the estate
- any restrictions, processes or required approvals for acquisitions and disposals
Find out more about understanding and managing your land and buildings.
Your estate can help provide a better environment for future generations by enhancing biodiversity, improving air quality and increasing access to and connection with nature.
You should have a consistent and challenging approach to:
- monitoring, managing and reducing energy, water and waste
- climate action and your carbon footprint
- materials and resources
- nature based solutions
Find out more about estate sustainability.
Well-planned maintenance helps you manage the estate and budget. A well-maintained estate helps:
- keep staff and children safe
- maximise value for money
- achieve your educational vision
Your maintenance plan should include:
- a prioritised programme of maintenance works based on statutory responsibilities and condition data
- details of who is responsible for maintaining land, buildings and equipment
Find out more about maintaining the estate.
The health and safety of the estate is an essential part of estate management.
You should have documented policies and processes to make sure your estate is safe and compliant, including:
- defined and understood responsibilities for the safety and security of staff, pupils and visitors
- a complete understanding of your statutory compliance requirements so you know what you should be doing
- an understanding of compliance across the whole estate and knowledge of how you are doing against requirements
- accountability at board level
Find out more about health and safety and statutory compliance.
You should have a consistent approach for planning and delivering different types of estates projects.
Planning and prioritisation
When planning and prioritising projects you should have:
- transparent processes for identifying, defining, appraising and prioritising projects
- clear responsibilities for those involved with investment and expenditure decisions
Project delivery
You should have a strong approach to project delivery, including:
- managing contract performance
- evaluating the outcomes of investment
Find out more about managing your estate projects.