Children missing from home or care: October 2008 to June 2010
Self-evaluation data given by each local authority about monitoring and responding to cases of children missing from home or care.
Reference id: OSR23/2010
Publication type: statistical release
Publication data: underlying statistical data
Local authority data: LA data
Region: England
Release date: 28 September 2010
Coverage status: final
Publication status: published
In a range from 0 to 3 (low to high), local authorities provide a self-evaluation score in each of the following areas:
- local information about running away is gathered
- local needs analysis, based on gathered information, is in place
- local procedures to meet the needs of runaways agreed
- protocols for responding to urgent/out-of-hours referrals from police or other agencies are in place
- local procedures include effective needs-assessment protocols, to support effective prevention /intervention work
Sarah Butt
0207 340 7795