Research and analysis

Understanding pension scheme administrators and their needs for migrating to the Managing Pension Schemes service

Commissioned qualitative research providing insights into the population of pension scheme administrators and their awareness and views on IT platform changes.



HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is phasing out the Pension Schemes Online service, which is the IT platform used by pension scheme administrators to manage the administration of tax relief of registered pension schemes. The IT platform replacing it is the Managing Pension Schemes service.

In 2022, HMRC commissioned IFF Research to provide insights into the population of pension scheme administrators, and their awareness of and views on the change of IT platforms. IFF Research completed 45 in-depth interviews with pension scheme administrators, by telephone and video conferencing, between 19 October and 2 December 2022.

The report provides findings on:

  • characteristics of pension scheme administrators and how they undertake the different aspects of their role
  • awareness of the need to migrate pension schemes to Managing Pension Schemes service
  • perceived barriers to and benefits of migration
  • action taken by pension scheme administrators to migrate their schemes
  • views on support from HMRC to assist with migration
Published 20 July 2023