
Annexe B: vaccine coverage data collection

Published 24 February 2022

Applies to England

This change will not impact on the vaccine coverage collection for the school-based adolescent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programme in any way.

NHS men who have sex with men (MSM) HPV vaccination programme – vaccine coverage collection

HPV vaccination uptake collections for the NHS MSM HPV vaccination programme will not be significantly impacted by the change announced in this letter.

Vaccine coverage (uptake and completion) will continue to be evaluated for MSM, aged up to and including 45 years, attending specialist sexual health services (SHSs) and HIV clinics.

HPV vaccination data for MSM is entered for all attendances via the Genitourinary Medicine Clinic Activity Dataset (GUMCAD) and HIV and AIDS Reporting System (HARS) mandatory reporting systems for SHSs and HIV clinics, respectively. GUMCAD and HARS clinical guidance will be updated to clearly indicate the change to a 2-dose schedule (with the exception of immunocompromised and HIV positive MSM). This will include guidance stating Sexual Health and HIV Activity Property Type (SHHAPT) coding for vaccination course completion should be recorded after dose 2 is administered for those receiving a first dose from 1 April 2022.

Individuals who start the NHS HPV vaccination programme prior to April 2022 should continue on the planned 3-dose schedule and the guidance will reflect that for these individuals, completion will only be recorded after dose 3 is administered.

In the case of immunocompromised and HIV-positive MSM, completion will only be recorded after dose 3 is administered and this will be reflected in the clinical guidance, as these individuals will remain on a 3-dose schedule.