Consumer and patient experience of genetics concordat invited
Consumers and patient groups are invited to submit evidence of their experience
Applies to England
Consumers and patient groups are invited to submit evidence of their experience of how the Concordat on Genetics and Insurance is working in practice, as part of new arrangements to ensure continued monitoring of the operation of the Concordat.
The evidence might include, for example, records of any complaints made to insurance companies regarding breaches of the Concordat.
The Concordat and Moratorium on Genetics and Insurance is an agreement between the Government and the Association of British Insurers.
It provides a policy framework for the use of predictive genetic test information by insurers and contains a voluntary moratorium on insurers’ use of predictive genetic test results.
The Concordat was reviewed in 2011 and has been extended to 2017.
All available evidence will be used to inform the next review of the Concordat, which is scheduled for 2014.
You can email the form, or any other evidence on the operation of the Concordat, to