
Competition summary: revolutionise the human information relationship for Defence

Updated 10 August 2017

This notice was withdrawn on

This page has been archived due to outdated information

1. Summary

This Defence and Security Accelerator themed competition seeks new technologies, processes and ways of working to improve the way we analyse and exploit data in order to inform decision-making.

The amount of data created continues to grow, however, under current processes the operator is unable to analyse and use that information fast enough to make informed and effective decisions.

In the future, even more sensor platforms will provide ever more data to the network and we could reach a situation where the right information is lost and the operation fails as a result.

Through this competition we’re looking to improve Defence’s ability to operate and fight in the information age. With the relationship between human and information at the centre of war-fighting we need Defence leaders to have access to the right information on critical issues to enable decision making that outpaces our adversaries.

The challenges of this Accelerator competition are to:

  • free up personnel through the application of innovative use of machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence to maintain military advantage
  • allow for the rapid and automated integration of new sensors
  • improve operator cognitive capacity and greater human machine teaming

This Accelerator themed competition is just one part of Defence’s Innovation Initiative, and directly contributes to meeting Defence Challenge 4 - Decision Making in the Information Age. It is the pilot approach to innovation as announced in the Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015, which if successful will deliver c.£800m of funding over the next 10 years.

2. Total Funding

Up to £3 million is available for phase 1 of this competition. We expect to fund a number of projects with research lasting up to 6 months, with phase 1 deliverables completed by the end of November 2017.

Up to an additional £3m will be available for phase 2 of the competition.

More information will be available when the competition document is released in January 2017.