28. Severn tidal power: Landscape and seascape and historic environments theme report for the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
A theme paper for the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) examining 'Landscape and Seascape' and 'Historic Environment' topics.
The historic environment or historic environment resource is a collective term applied to a diverse resource which encompasses archaeological sites and monuments, evidence for past environments (palaeoenvironmental), historic buildings and structures, historic landscapes and artefacts and structures relating to seafaring. Some of these features have already been identified, but many exist within the environment but are unknown to us. Historic environment receptors are identified as existing within broad physical environments comprising the terrestrial, intertidal and subtidal areas.
This theme also covers the broad issues of landscape, seascape and visual effects associated with each of the alternative options. Landscape is an area as perceived by local people or visitors whose visual features and character are the result of the action of natural and/or cultural (that is, human) factors. Seascape is a subset of landscape and applies to an area of sea, coastline and land. Receptors comprise receiving landscape and seascape, landscapes or seascapes with intervisibility or interrelationships and viewers from the land or sea.